Hanging with the Janitor in a DrumĀ® (or on the Moon)

Brooklyn Public School hallway

I always thought that name for a product to be workist. It’s not exactly world peace in a mason jar. Anyway, note the boom box on the floor and the garbage bucket: janitor in the house.

A friend alerted me to NASA bombing the moon early Friday morning which seems like a bad idea. (They’re calling it a “probe” but actually the “plume” will be analyzed, not any box shot into the moon.) The Apollo project gave us computers and miniaturization but the benefits of space exploration via bombing feel ludicrous at this time. The moon is much smaller than Earth, perhaps a lot more delicate, and not volcanically active. The Three Gorges Dam is thought to have slowed the Earth’s rotation by a couple microseconds. NASA says they’re looking for water but they must be looking for other mineral resources as well. What if the moon comes crashing down on us (in 2012 or 2250)?

Sunsets Are Better Than Others

brooklyn sunset

My fat cat woke me begging for the new cat food I got her for a treat. Old cats are like old pants. Anyway I found a sunset pic which is also like old pants. I wasted some time Friday night on Google’s image labeler. That is some addictive software and meanwhile, you’re helping the man. I played for about an hour thinking one of my photos might come up and then seeing what keywords my partner might come up with… “blue night crap”? Har Har. I was also waiting to see if anything came up from the Middle East or Asia or some other war zone. I figured out that most people know different stuff about different celebrities and that most people aren’t color blind.

Sleigh Bells at LePoisson Rouge

Alexis of Sleigh Bells at Le Poisson Rouge, 9.30.09
Alexis of Sleigh Bells

Sundelles, LPR, 9.30.09

It’s really hard to take good concert photos with a crappy camera (duh) but I tried. Last night I saw Sleigh Bells, the Sundelles, and Orphan at Le Poisson Rouge based on a tipoff from This Recording. I’d seen Orphan open for Nebula at the Knitting Factory around a year ago so I was curious to see if they’ve evolved…. more abrasive than ever if that’s your thing. The drummer, Speck Brown, is hypnotic while the bass dude is still turning it up way past 11. The Sundelles are pleasant indie rock while Sleigh Bells were completely amazing. A band to watch out for!

Building on Fire

Fire ladder on 109th Street, NYC

I forgot to mention this on the blog although I tweeted it. The apartment next door to mine was on fire and when I took this photo, I had no idea that the fire was on my floor let alone next door to me. Soon after I took the photo I heard a lot of banging next door and then a few minutes later there were firemen in my apartment checking my walls for fire inside. I never smelled any smoke… the wind was blowing the wrong way or something. My cat freaked out.

The tenant’s brother showed up at the apartment next day to recover stuff and I got the story. Something was burning on the stove and whatever it was caught fire and then lit up a kitchen wall. A passerby saw smoke coming out of the window on Broadway and called 911. It could’ve been a LOT worse. So the ceiling was completely black and it stank like burnt plaster and plastic. A cat was inside while all this happened and she is fine.

Over the next few weeks and a lot of new sheetrock later, there are already new tenants in there making new neighbor sounds.

PS: The best collection of photos on the L.A. fires is at boston.com.

Some of My Photo Philosophy

If I’m in a big crowd, I often shoot where there is nobody. I’m a soul rebel. A lot of times that ends up being the ceiling but sometimes I get the corner where all the equipment is and there’s an empty bag of potato chips in the wires. Tonight I had the crowd, I had the spot, but I could not get the shot. How about some bright moldings?


Blue Lights Means It’s Not City Center

55th Street the other night…

A pot dealer was murdered here about 10 years ago. 55th and 7th.

A pot dealer was famously murdered in this building in May, 2001.

Dream Hotel, 55th and Broadway

There’s a gimcrack roof bar on top of the Dream Hotel which also has an aquarium that takes up a fourth of the lobby.

City Center Theater at night, NYC

The City Center Theater repeats much of the same tried and true calendar year after year. That’s not necessarily bad.