Free Concerts in Morningside Heights

‘Tis the season! I just got back from a concert by TACTUS at the Manhattan School of Music at Broadway and 122nd. That’s the new music group. It’s the end of the semester and MSM is putting on a string of great free concerts and recitals almost every night through December 19th so check the calendar and get uptown! There’s something for everyone: chamber, opera, holiday music, chorus, and jazz. (The Fauré opera has an admission charge.)

Also, the Bloomingdale House of Music on 108th Street near Broadway is having a handful of holiday concerts.

Steel Pan Drums Are The Next Wave

andy akiho, manhattan school of music, borden auditorium

I had the pleasure of attending one of the most unusual and beautiful concerts last night at the Manhattan School of Music. Andy Akiho’s compositions combine steel pan drums with a harp, cello, and chamber orchestra in gorgeous and unexpected tableaus. He’s off to Boston to study with David Lang. This kid is already going places. (Apologies that he is absent from the snapshot above taken between pieces.)