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- The new quagmire: Seven questions for Barack Obama on Afghanistan. With hindsight of Mary McCarthy’s Vietnam memoirs and penned by retired Air Force lieutenant colonel.
- Greenwald calls Jane Harman a bunch of names although strangely, hypocrite isn’t one of them. Jeff Stein delves further into the mess.
- Socialist Andre Damon pretty cynical about everything.
- Reese Erlich seems to think loosening policy toward Cuba will bring more illicit drug trafficking.
- Jessie’s bond-trader friend whacks at the Wells Fargo earnings piƱata.
- Tom Engelhardt ruminates on the constant stream of civilian casualties that largely go unreported on these shores.
- Dems want to sweep torture hearings under the rug as much as Bush flunkies do.
- Israelis hawking first-class propaganda junket??!?
- Bank stress test: a) too big to fail b) too big to fail…
- Tiny violin playing for pro-torture Judge Bybee.
- Texas sheriff prosecution for waterboarding by Reagan’s DOJ ignored by current torture advocates.
- New York food banks stressed.
- Polish pianist stops the show with anti-U.S. tirade.
- The new terror alert: Swine flu hype conveniently killing off the torture story. Includes a history of “flu oddities.”