Hanging with the Janitor in a DrumĀ® (or on the Moon)

Brooklyn Public School hallway

I always thought that name for a product to be workist. It’s not exactly world peace in a mason jar. Anyway, note the boom box on the floor and the garbage bucket: janitor in the house.

A friend alerted me to NASA bombing the moon early Friday morning which seems like a bad idea. (They’re calling it a “probe” but actually the “plume” will be analyzed, not any box shot into the moon.) The Apollo project gave us computers and miniaturization but the benefits of space exploration via bombing feel ludicrous at this time. The moon is much smaller than Earth, perhaps a lot more delicate, and not volcanically active. The Three Gorges Dam is thought to have slowed the Earth’s rotation by a couple microseconds. NASA says they’re looking for water but they must be looking for other mineral resources as well. What if the moon comes crashing down on us (in 2012 or 2250)?

The Pacific Gyro (Not the Hawaiian Meat Sandwich)

hudson river bike path, morning

I gave the garbage patch in the Pacific Gyre a mention on my myspace blog last year right before I started this blog. Of course around Earth Day, Oprah and the Huffington Post saw fit to highlight a newish documentary on the subject. One of the comments says everything about American media and ignorance: Nothing bad exists until Oprah says so.*

Anyway, we should send a few aircraft carriers over there to trawl for a month or two while Oprah hosts a reality show with super-rich and smart philanthropists solving this and the rest of the world’s problems. Do I have to think of everything?

* certainly if it's not crashing through our windows like a tornado or a car-jacker