I had a great time seeing relatives I haven’t seen in years and some I’ve never met. While they have snapshots, I had the beach to myself for a few hours. Enjoy.
Earthquake Proof
I have a load of images that won’t fit in a gallery and a load of images that would be served better with a better camera. Curses.
Driftwood Roots of Cape Henry
I went to Cape Henry near Virginia Beach last week for a small family reunion of aunts and uncles and cousins on my mom’s side of the family. (My last post on sleeping at the airport was a fitting postscript to the drive down there. It’s a mistake to drive through Virginia on I-95 if you’re going to be there anywhere near rush hour.) There was nothing better to do one afternoon except stroll on the beach and shoot driftwood. I like driftwood because it’s one of the most common examples of beautiful decomposition. Another gallery of nondriftwood from this trip will posted soon.
Slept at the Airport
I almost set up a self-timer shot of me sleeping on a heating vent. My night is recorded a little bit on facebook. I arrived in DC to find Reagan National Airport packed to the gills. At the bar, I shared a table with a man and woman who both had flights that were delayed several hours. We shared other airport/airline horror stories. Then, my flight sat on the tarmac for three hours and right when they were bringing us back to the gate, the flight was cancelled. The rest is routine. I caught a 6 am flight to NYC and had a breakfast of coffee.
Fugue State
At the end of the day or early in the morning, I might just post an unimportant photo.
Spring Trees at Night
There is a spammer who writes: “I don’t agree with you. Please write to me.” Anyway here is chandelier just from different lighting. No southern exposure.
The Wonder of Dysfunction
Sometimes I have to step back and wonder why people just don’t say whatever it is they want.
Squaring With the Doomsayers
Thanks to my digital TV antenna, I saw Harold Camping preach about the end of the world on May 21, 2011. Jim Morrison sang this back in the 60s: “I tell you this. No eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn.”
The Logic of Our Wars
Shamelessly stealing this from Atrios:
It’s hard not to think that the goal is to stay until everyone who wants us to leave is dead, at which point we can finally leave.
Dig at the Root of the Problem
I wrote a long post about politics and the health care bill but I trashed the whole thing after reading about a poll indicating how utterly vacuous and stupid some Americans are. At a bar, I had to listen to someone tell me Rome fell because of gays in their military. I would really like to not care about any of this.
Save Perky for Perkstar Perkins of Perkville
I’m sure the next movie I watch will be much better.