Eyes Closed, Head Tilted Just So

Free image for a neo-Krautrock  or goth band.

I caught the Bang on a Can Allstars with Terry Riley at Le Poisson Rouge the other night. The ways of Mr. Riley are mysterious and hippieful. That stuff usually makes me cringe but when it’s mixed up with blues for maharaja played by the Allstars, it commands respect.

For more enjoyable for me was the Tuesday show at the same venue which featured the music of David Lang. Closing the show was Maya Beiser, who performed the piece “World to Come.” The piece featured Ms. Beiser playing against loops of herself and vocal bits. Something about a cellist playing in ecstasy… it oddly reminded me of Meg White playing drums although Ms. White sometimes looks bored but it’s that sublime tilt of the head when they’re playing.

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