Mr. Airplane Man Returns to New York

(Happy Thanksgiving! I’ve decided to step back a bit from my social media presence on Facebook so to that end, I’ll try to update this blog more often and will add more photos eventually. The art photo thing is sort of on a long hiatus, derp. Also, I recently found out my Dad back home fell earlier today and sustained a rather serious injury so he is certainly in my thoughts.)

My friends Mr. Airplane Man (Margaret Garrett and Tara McManus Hubbard) have reformed and will be playing a pair of gigs in Boston and New York (Brooklyn) in two weeks! These rockin’ ladies played two gigs at the Ding Dong Lounge during its heyday in the early mid-2000s which I had a hand in producing. Tara asked me to DJ their appearance at Hank’s on Dec. 13 but it turns out they don’t have any sort of a DJ booth–not even a laptop hookup.  I’ll be there rocking out! Anyway, enjoy some media. I hope to see any of my (five) readers at the show!

Here’s a video ot them doing a few songs from their last release, C’mon DJ.

Here’s the official flyer:



And this is a quickie flyer I made when I thought I would be DJing the show…

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