Much Worse Today

Central Park South, 7th Ave, NYC

I either have the swine flu or a very severe sinus infection. I tried some cold pills that expired in 2006. Was that the last time I felt this bad? They didn’t work. I went out and bought some fresh generic ones and those aren’t working either. At leastThe Hurt Locker came in from Netflix. Oh goody, two hours of defusing bombs. Seriously, I’m really looking forward to this. I’ve sort of had Kathryn Bigelow in the corner of my eye since she directed a little 1987 vampire movie called Near Dark.

One thought on “Much Worse Today”

  1. I was fortunate enough to see The Set-Up by Kathryn Bigelow at a film festival. It was really something else. Slightly pretentious but completely funny and entrancing at the same time. She’s one of the really fucking smart directors out there.

    IMDB plot synopsis says:
    The Set-Up is Kathryn Bigelow’s student film at Columbia about the exploration of ‘why violence in cinematic form is so seductive’. It featured two men beating each other to a pulp in a dark alley, while two professors analyzed the philosophy of it all on the soundtrack.

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