Quitters Stick With It. Winners Quit.

Party on the roof (not), Park Slope, Brooklyn

Via TPM, that’s the take-away from Sarah Palin’s speech. On twitter, Ezra Klein advises ambitious bloggers to comb through the speech for other internal contradictions. The headline says it all for me and I hope we’re done with this hack. John McCain was an idiot for putting her on the national stage.

After the jump, there’s a long compilation of Richard’s forwards from the past weeks. Many of the links posted aren’t just opinion pieces from various political blogs… several are legitimate stories from respected news sources.

I’m going to organize these by topic, and older posts first.

Economy: Wall Street and the White House

Economy: State Budget Crisis etc.

Iraq / Pakistan

Iran Policy / Iran Election

Coup in Honduras

  • Collection of links and reporting on the Honduras coup.
  • Machinations behind the scenes with Hillary Clinton’s hand-wringing and the coup in Honduras.

Healthcare Debate etc.


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